Honey Inn - Nang Rong Honey Inn - Nang Rong

Visiting the Ruins

Phanom Rung is 26km from the Honey Inn and Meuang Tam is another 8km

Wat Khua Aungkarn from the Honey Inn 18Km

Prasat Ta meuan from the Honey Inn 90Km.

There’s several ways to see the sights:



Motorbike Rental

a motorbike from Honey Inn


Manual no-clutch motorbikes 250B plus fuel.





Automatic motorbikes 300B

plus fuel.




Motorbike Taxi trip

plus fuel from Honey Inn


Phanom Rung and

Prasat Meuang Tam 600 Bath


Phanom Rung,

Prasat Meuang Tam and

Wat Khua Aungkarn 750 Bath





You can hire a pickup truck with driver plus fuel from the Honey Inn


Phanom Rung and Prasat Meuang Tam, (6 AM. -6 PM). 1,100B.



Phanom Rung,Prasat

Meuang Tam and

Wat Khua Aungkarn

(6 AM. -6 PM). 1,500B.



Phanom Rung,

Prasat Meuang Tam and Prasat Ta meuan

(6 AM. -6 PM). 1,800B.




Ruin Trip(for group)

Phanom Rung and

Meuang Tam trip

  • 280 Bath/person (group 4 person)

  • 370 Bath/person (group 3 person)

  • 550 Bath/person ( 2 person)



Phanom Rung,

Prasat Meuang Tam and

Wat Khua Aungkarn trip

  • 380 Bath/person (group 4 person)

  • 500 Bath/person (group 3 person)

  • 750 Bath/person ( 2 person)



Phanom Rung,Prasat Meuang Tam and Prasat Ta meuan trip

  • 450 Bath/person (group 4 person)

  • 600 Bath/person (group 3 person)

  • 900 Bath/person ( 2 person)


Route information and maps are available at the Honey Inn.

Statue at Phanom Rung




























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